Price increase - 1 March 2023

Our goal is, and always has been to supply you with a quality product at an affordable price point. Due to the consistent rise in the cost of raw coffee beans and their associated roasting costs, we are implementing a price increase from 1 March 2023.

In order to maintain affordability for all of our customers we will be introducing a staggered pricing approach, where less-costly imported beans will result in a lower cost to you, our customer.

The new pricing will be as follows:

$34.00 per kg

  • Brazil
  • Blackheath
  • Leura

$36.00 per kg

  • Wentworth

$38.00 per kg

  • Blaxland
  • Colombian
  • Costa Rica
  • House
  • Lawson
  • Roasters

As always, It is a pleasure to serve you freshly roasted beans on a daily basis and we look forward to providing you with the coffee you know and love well into the future.

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